
face down是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

face down

美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.〈美口〉同“face off”;摊牌



第三人称单数:faces down  现在分词:facing down  过去式:faced down  同义词反义词

v.cave in

v.brazen out,stand your ground,face out,hold your own,stay the course



n.1.〈美口〉同“face off”2.摊牌

n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as face off

na.1.to appear strong and confident when someone is threatening or criticizing you2.with the front or face toward the ground

1.面朝下 face up 面朝上 face down 面朝下 fan 开扇 ...

2.正面朝下 face up 面朝上 face down 正面朝下 face the music 承担后果(受到惩罚,面对危险) ...

3.向下 镶边器 piper 向下 face down 橡筋裤头 elastic waistband ...

4.趴着睡 explosive breathing 爆发式吸气 313 face down 俯卧姿势 314 face-down stroke 俯泳 315 ...

6.牌底朝下 face cream 面霜 face down 压倒 face guard 护面罩 ...

8.牌面向下 牌面向上: Face Up 牌面向下: Face Down 伙伴牌: Mates ...


1.Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot.她把我从头看到脚,这时,我的脚趾还紧紧地夹着那支粉笔。

2.Four cards with same number, after turn one of it over with face down, the other three will also turn over automatically with face down.四张卡片以同样数字,在轮一个以后它与面孔下来,其它三自动地并且将移交与面孔下来。

3.She pushed him off her, and knocked him flat, face down to the carpet, then rolled over on top of him.她狠狠把男孩推了一下,他脸朝下撞到地毯上,她连忙翻身压在他身上。

4.She was soon found face down in their home pool: grey, lifeless and without a heartbeat.但很快便在自家的游泳池中找到了她。她当时面孔朝下,脸色苍白,毫无生气并且没有了心跳。

5.Planking, the act of simply lying face down in public places, has become something of an Internet sensation.planking就是面朝下躺在在公共场所的行为,现在已经变成了一种网络潮流。

6.One, 68, was found lying face down in his apartment, where the gas and electricity had been cut off half a year earlier.其中68岁的老人被人发现,气绝时趴在公寓,瓦斯和电半年前就被切断。

7.He slept face down on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up .他脸朝下趴在报纸上,手臂直直地伸着,手心朝上。

8.The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him over and tucked up the sheets.那小孩趴着睡。妈妈把他翻个身,替他盖好被单。

9.He ordered me to lie down with my face down and severely beat me all over my back from the lower spinal cord.他命令我趴在地上,然后用力的殴打我的背部,从脊椎的下方开始。

10.LJ runs back to the house and finds his mother face down in the doorway.LJ跑回屋看见他的母亲脸朝下倒在门口。